I sold my soul for the second time
'Cause the man don't pay me ‘
I begged my landlord for some more time
He said "Son, the bills are waiting"
My best friend called me the other night
He said "Man - you crazy"
My girlfriend told me to get a life
She said "boy, you lazy"
But I don't mind
As long as there's a bed beneath the stars that shine
I'll be fine, if you give me a minute
A man's got a limit
I can't get a life, if my heart's not in it
I lost my faith in the summer time
'Cause it don't stop raining
The sky all day is as black as night
But I'm not complaining
I begged my doctor for one more line
He said "Son, words fail me"
It ain't your place to be killing time
I guess I'm just lazy
(Noel Gallagher)
3 comentários:
estou sempre passando por aqui, você sabe. x}
as vezes nao gosto do que leio, apesar de ser muuuito bom tudo que você escreve.
meu poeta.
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Um beijo...muito legal seu blog.
Inspirada no casamento do momento que se passa e nas tão belas palavras de Pessoa, escrevi a decisão de "viajar" ...espero que a inspiração prossiga a cada nova descoberta!
Tb sinto saudades daqui...de conhecer sobre o que tem inspirado aqui! Retire o pó!rs
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